Home Equity Loans

Make It Happen With Your Home Equity

Get the money you need for any good reason. Consolidate bills, make home improvements, purchase a new vehicle or pay for an education. Solve any money problem.

Your Home Equity Loan rate and monthly payment is fixed for the term of your loan. It’s the perfect choice when you want to know exactly how much your monthly payment will be.

  • Low Fixed Rates
  • Terms Up to 180 Months (15 Years)
  • Interest Is Usually Tax Deductible*

Home Equity Loan Rates

APR APY Info and/or Terms
As loa as 6.49% 5 year
As low as 6.74% 7 year
As low as 6.99% 10 year
As low as 7.24% 15 year

Applying Is Easy & Convenient

You can apply online or at the credit union. See Current Rates. If you have a home equity financing question, call (412) 553-3100.

Loan Rates Apply Online  

*Tax-deductible interest eligibility depends on your specific tax situation. Check with your tax adviser. Most members qualify. Our Home Equity Loan program is only available for a primary residence or a 4-unit rental property located in Pennsylvania.

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is determined by your credit score. Rates shown are the lowest rates offered. Other rates and terms are available. All rates are subject to change daily. Other restrictions may apply.